Monday, August 24, 2009

Taking Neriah to a Chiropractor

My mom sent me this article: , and after discussing it with our midwife, we decided we're going to take Neriah to a chiropractor. After such a long labour, and especially pushing/crowning stage, we figure even if it doesn't help with our BFing issues, it can't be bad. Our appointment is Wed., and I can't wait to see if it helps anything! Our doula said she has seen really grumpy babies become happy and calm after an adjustment. Interesting....


Avital said...

We took our son to the chiro at about 2 weeks. I was also having extreme BF issues, bloody, blistered, scabbed nipples, so much pain etc. Our son went from screaming to perfectly calm immediately after the adjustment, and our BF problems disolved away. It was truly a miracle.

I pushed for three hours - my son was postier with an acynclitic head, and ended up with a c-section. He was so wedged in my pelvis due to his acynclitic head that they still had to use the vacuum and the OB practically had to get up on the operating table to pull him out. So, his little neck was definitely sore from all of that.

We took him for a few follow up adjustments, but babies heal quick, so he didn't need to go for long.

I highly reccomend Dr. Stephanie Bonn downtown, and Dr. Daniel Zybutz on Dunbar, both do pediatric chiropractic. I have seen both of them and they are excellent.

Hope chiro helps for your little nursing dyad!

Mandi said...

Nikki, we take Asher to a Pediatric Chiropractor! YOU SHOULD DO IT! I swear by it now! I wish I had of known to do this during the first 3 months when he was crazy colicky. The next one for sure. I'm definitely a supporter. Good luck!