Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Milestones Make Me Tired

I guess I should have known last night would be rough with Neriah attempting to master so many new skills. I put her down at 7:45ish and she was still sleeping when James and I went to bed at 9:30 (which is pretty much a miracle). I knew she would be up soon to nurse, and a couple min. later, I saw her head pop up. She didn't just come over to me to nurse though, and I knew we were in for it.

She woke up hyper and wide awake. We took shifts attempting to rock her back to sleep, but every time one of us got her to sleep, she woke up as soon as, or a couple min. after she was put down. I finally told James to just bring her out to the living room and let her play until she was tired. When we have to do this every once and a while, we leave her in her sleep sac, don't turn on any lights, and don't engage her at all so she's aware it's still nighttime.

Around midnight, James brought her back to the bedroom and was rocking her, but she was crying, which is usually my cue. So I got out of bed and started rocking her and James left the room. I was getting frustrated, so I put her down and went to find James and take a little Neriah break. He was sitting on the floor of the bathroom and said he felt sick and was going to puke.

At this point Neriah started crying from the bedroom, so I went in and laid down with her, hoping she would just fall asleep (and knowing she wouldn't). That's when James started puking, and holy crap does he ever puke loudly. Neriah got scared and started wailing. I brought her out and got James a glass of water (she wouldn't let me put her down).

I finally got Neriah back to sleep at 12:30 and set James up a bed in the hallway in case he had to throw up again. Neriah was pretty restless all night and we didn't sleep well. She's really grumpy today... sigh. James feels better though thank goodness.

Stupid milestones!! I hate that they affect sleep so much!

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