Monday, April 26, 2010

Awesome quote

"Crying is a signal provided by nature meant to disturb parents so that the child's needs will be met. Ignoring a child's cry is like ignoring the warning signal of a smoke detector because we find it disturbing. Crying, like the loud detector sound, is meant to capture our attention so that we can attend to the important needs of the child." ~ Jan Hunt, Author


Debie said...

so importantly true...

I have never been disappointed that I responded...even when sleep was scarce. absolutely worth it. the boys are secure and trusting of others, and always open to new adventures...even school. we believe that responding to their needs was the foundation for this.

I'm sure that you get tired. by keeping the end in sight, it helped me tons.

Nikki said...

Thanks Debie! I always though Aidan was the sweetest, happiest, most well behaved child I'd ever met (along with Maren and Malcom). I'm sure Mac is too, but he was still a baby last time I saw him!

It's great to have supportive moms in my corner!