Thursday, April 15, 2010

9 Month Appointment and Chiropractor

Today was Neriah's 9 month doctors appointment. Her stats are:

Weight: 16lbs 12 oz - 25%
Length: 73cm - 75%
Head Circumference: 45cm - just above 75%

I guess she got her Daddy's big head! We have no idea why she's so tall and skinny though. I don't think either is in our genes much!

We also went to the chiropractor again. We saw Dr. Bonn for the first time, and she was awesome. We were almost an hour late, because James got the appointment time wrong, and they still fit both Neriah and me in. Dr Bonn said Neriah is super healthy and strong and has great muscle tone. She just had a couple tight spots that needed an adjustment, and apparently Dr Bonn could tell Neriah was teething cause she 'felt' it, so did an adjustment to help with that too. Awesome! I hope it helps Neriah sleep better! We shall see!

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