Let's just face it. I suck. I can never think what to write, and I assume people won't care. But I want to remember what my babies were up to when I look back, so I'm going to write anyway.
Gideon is now 7 MONTHS. I honestly can't believe it. I know it's cliche to say, 'where does the time go?', but seriously, where does the time go? He is now sitting up on his own (and has been since July 1st). He's eating a ton of solids. He doesn't really like fruit, but loves him some veggies! Sweet potato and carrots seem to be his favourite, but he'll pretty much eat anything except avocado. Today he ate a whole banana and about 3 tbs of prunes! (He doesn't like them separately, but I guess likes them mixed!) For dinner he tried Yo Baby yogurt for the first time, and liked it.
I love making food for him. It's so easy, and I love knowing exactly what's going into his mouth.
He's usually such a happy boy, but has been a beast this week. I'm pretty sure he's teething. He's drooling like a machine and I feel big, hard bumps on his bottom gums. I was really hoping he'd be a good teether like Neriah (other than red cheeks, she showed no signs), but I guess my hoping was in vain. Oh well!
At his 6 month appointment, Gideon was 18lbs 1oz and 28in. long. He's such a big boy! So different than Neriah. He also puts himself to sleep. I literally can't believe I can just put him down and walk out of the room. It shocks me every day, and I'm so thankful that he's different than Neriah in this way.
Unfortunately he's much like Neriah in one way: night-time sleep. His longest stretch is 3 hours at the beginning of the night (sometimes less), and then gets up every hour or so (sometimes I get 2 hours between wake-ups) the rest of the night. I can't wait for the day that I have two sleeping through the night babies!
He is just beginning to attempt getting up on all fours. I think it will be a while until he's mobile, and I'm very glad for that. He loves his jumperoo and paci, and doesn't seem to like anything else much. We have all these toys for him, and he's happier with DVD cases.
Well, that's it for now!
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