Friday, March 12, 2010

8 Months Old

Neriah turned eight months on Wednesday. I can't believe how quickly baby-hood goes! In four months she'll be into toddlerhood! Though it's sad, it is also so fun to watch this little person grow up. These are some things Neriah likes to do now that she's a month older:

- Lay on her back and clap her feet together
- Lay on her back and play with her sippy cups
- Throw small tantrums when I take something away she shouldn't be playing with
- Throw small tantrums when I say, "No"
- Play with wooden blocks and puzzle pieces (which includes eating them, banging them on things, banging them on each other, and crawling around with one in each hand, or one in her mouth)
- Look out the window
- Lick/kiss/bang on her reflection in the mirror
- Lick/eat shoes

She has also started to attempt pulling up. She's not even close to having success just yet, but I can tell it won't be too long!

At eight months she also has four teeth: both middle bottom ones, and her left top front as well as the one beside it. That's right, she has no teeth on the right up top yet! It's just like her to do things so out of order. ;) Can't wait to see what this new month will bring!

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