Saturday, March 20, 2010

Family Day!

We try to make Saturday's 'family day' since James gets the whole day off. James usually takes Neriah when she first wakes up so I can sleep for a couple more hours. When I get up, we usually have a pancake breakfast and watch a sermon together. Last week we gave Neriah her first pancake on Pancake Saturday.

Today we had a really packed day. Neriah woke up at 7:30, so James took her and I slept until 8:30ish. While I was sleeping, James had cleaned the whole apartment! Then it was time for Neriah's first nap. When she woke up, we got dinner together (a roast) and threw it in the crock pot, showered, and got ready for our day. By then it was already 1:30, and Neriah naps again around 2pm, so we put her down and spent some time just the two of us, reading and online window shopping.
Neriah woke up around 3:30, and we packed up and headed to the park near our apartment for the first time. It was such a beautiful day today, and we got to use our new ring sling for the first time!
We both loved it! Though I love our Ergo for long walks, for quick trips, the ring sling was so easy and Neriah loves to look out at everyone. We bought it at I highly recommend Jan's slings! And Jan is so helpful and her prices are great!
Anyway, Neriah loved the park. She was 'talking' and growling at the kids as they ran by and loved watching them. I can tell she's going to be one of the rough kids that some others are afraid of. I hope she doesn't get into too much trouble!

We also put her in a swing, which she was pretty indifferent too. She's actually a pretty serious baby and it's hard to get a smile out of her, especially when she's out.

But we eventually got a smirk out of her.

When Neriah had enough of the swing,

we sat on a bench and watched the kids playing on the equipment. She really liked that. Afterwards, we made a trip to Chapters and browsed the kids section. I found "The Paper Bag Princess" for toddlers as a cardboard book, and had to have it. Is it just me, or is it really weird that James has never heard of Robert Munsch?
The car ride home wasn't too bad this time. Neriah hates car rides and usually screams the whole time, but I read her new book to her a couple times, and held of most of the tears.
Now Neriah's in bed (and James put her down! Hallelujah!) and we have a little time to ourselves before we head off too. It was a great day! I just love Family Day!

1 comment:

Jules said...

I love how serious she is Nikki. It's adorable. All the best.